Twilight Zone 50th Anniversary Reunion
The Hollywood Show
October 10 & 11, 2009
Burbank Marriott Hotel Convention Center
Burbank, California

Celebrity Guests
* indicates Saturday only appearance
Mary Badham
Shelley Berman
Antoinette Bower
Veronica Cartwright *
Linden Chiles
Paul Comi
Jackie Cooper *
Jeanne Cooper
Dana Dillaway
Bobby Diamond
Richard Erdman
Bill Erwin
June Foray
Michael Forest
Larrian Gillespie *
Mary Gregory
Earl Hamner *
Susan Harrison
Douglas Heyes, Jr.
Chuck Hicks
Earl Holliman
Marsha Hunt *
George Clayton Johnson *
Noah Keen
Richard Kiel
Daniel Kulick *
Ruta Lee
Joanne Linville *
Tom Lowell *
David Macklin
Arlene Martel *
Nancy Malone *
Read Morgan
Bill Mumy
Gloria Pall
Tom Reese
William Reynolds
Peter Mark Richman (Sat. a.m. only)
Mickey Rooney
Joseph Ruskin *
William Schallert
Jacqueline Scott
Edson Stroll
Alan Sues *
Michael Vandever
Fredd Wayne
H.M. Wynant
The following actors were scheduled to attend but owing to previous commitments, were unable to: Kevin McCarthy, Warren Stevens, Jimmy Lydon, Jason Wingreen, Russell Johnson, Julie Newmar, Sarah Marshall, Terry Becker, Tim O'Connor, James Turley, Susan Gordon, Barbara Perry, Lea Waggner. 50 TZ people for the 50th anniversary was the goal; unfortunately we fell just a few short!
Little did Bill DeVoe and I ever think we'd be able to pull off even ONE TZ Convention.... but we did, in 2002. And there have now been FIVE of them! Some new faces amidst the bunch, who didn't attend our previous cons were: Daniel Kulick (Jo Jo, "On Thursday We Leave for Home"), Mary Gregory (3 episodes), Linden Chiles (FBI guy "Four O'Clock), Richard Kiel (The Kanamits!), Nancy Malone ("Stopover in a Quiet Town"), Earl Holliman, Jackie Cooper, Veronica Cartwright, Jeanne Cooper ("Mr. Denton on Doomsday"), David Macklin (Bud, "Ring a Ding Girl"), Douglas Heyes, Jr. ("Dust" and son of director Douglas, Sr.), and Bobby Diamond ("In Praise of Pip").
Bill and I, and also Herman Darvick (coordinator of the two east coast Cons of 2006 & 2007), offer our tremendous heartfelt thanks to the following TZ-associated people who appeared at ALL FIVE Twilight Zone Conventions: Mary Badham, Paul Comi, George Clayton Johnson, and H.M. Wynant. You four, in particular, have helped us keep the Twilight Zone torch burning brightly. Honorable mention goes out to Susan Gordon, who wanted very much to attend the most recent con, but a last-minute conflict prevented her from attending. Kudos to her for 4 out of 5!
...and to some others who appeared at all three Los Angeles-based TZ Conventions (listed in no particular order): Marsha Hunt, Arlene Martel, Ruta Lee, Gloria Pall, Joseph Ruskin, Michael Forest, Antoinette Bower, Joanne Linville, Read Morgan, Michael Vandever, Dana Dillaway, Jacqueline Scott, Bill Erwin, Peter Mark Richman, Shelley Berman, William Schallert, Tom Lowell, and Earl Hamner. Thank you all so much for being with us!
I can't resist giving a salute to the late Jonathan Harris. He was the first actor, back in late 2001, who accepted the invite to our first TZ Convention of August 2002. To get a 'yes' response so quickly, and from such a distinguished artist was amazing to us - as we then had no idea that that we could pull off the event. It was to be Jonathan's last con, and it was probably his last public appearance; he passed away two months later. We also salute the late Beverly Garland and her staff for the use of her wonderful hotel, Beverly Garland's Holiday Inn in North Hollywood, for the first two events. It was the perfect venue.

Robert "Bobby" Diamond and Bill Mumy, the older and younger Pips, respectively. Bobby and Bill shot their scenes separately at the now-obsolete Pacific Ocean Park in the summer of 1963. 46 years later, they met for the first time. Both were accomplished child actors.
at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood, 31 October, 2009
Well, it took five whole decades to reach October 2nd, 2009 - the golden anniversary of what is arguably the greatest television show the world has ever known. Millions saw the first episodes; hundreds of millions have now seen it and, like McDonalds, eventually it will hit the billions "served". But unlike most things - individuals, married couples, corporations - and other entities who celebrate anniversaries, grow old, and eventually dissolve, "The Twilight Zone" is immortal.
It will always exist, and will play on television sets via DVD players and reruns. It will continue to inspire, it will continue to teach, and it will continue to entertain thanks to over one-thousand
actors, plus a couple hundred other individuals - writers, producers, and other behind-the-camera folks who
made it all happen. In the past seven years, five fan conventions have been done, on both coasts -
something that, ten years ago and longer, no one thought would ever happen and no one dared attempt.
We made sure these happened - to bring together fans, actors, and writers (and even a few of the directors who guided the episodes). If Rod had survived to see October 2nd, 2009, he would have been eternally grateful - although he enjoyed immense popularity for "The Twilight Zone", he probably never realized it would reach the level it has...not to mention all of what the show spawned - major motion pictures written with "Twilight Zone" motifs, trading cards, graphic novels, websites. And if he were here now, he'd undoubtedly say Thank You to everyone who made it happen - and to everyone who have indirectly supported the show by watching it. To quote our great friend George Clayton Johnson, "It may not continue to be (badly) remade, but it will never stop being watched."