Books On Twilight Zone or By Twilight Zone-linked People
edited by Andrew Ramage
View a few select pages from Volumes 1 and 2

"What a wonderful book. Can I get a few more copies?!" — Ted Post (director, four episodes of Twilight Zone)
“I just read the commentaries—haven't read the teleplays yet - but you've written a strong book.”
“Just read the teleplays—excellent! The ‘Templeton’ episode was always one of my favorites.”—
"I was wondering when someone was going to publish the rest of "The Twilight Zone"
scripts...and I hope Andrew or someone will eventually make sure the remaining ones
get into print. What Andrew has done here is tremendous. I can't believe all
the venues there are for The Twilight Zone out there these days!"
- George Clayton Johnson (writer, eight Twilight Zone teleplays)
"Your devotion to The Twilight Zone will keep it glowing. My compliments to you." - Marsha Hunt (actress)
"I am just so glad you did this. A totally unexpected surprise. Thank you." - Del Reisman (Twilight Zone story editor,
Seasons 1-3)
"Thankx for the two books Andrew. I haven't read the scripts yet, just the commentaries. You are a really, really good writer." - Karyl Geld Miller (writer of numerous old TV episodes including "The Cosby Show")
"The Twilight Zone was made by writers. Andrew has done us all an enormous service by highlighting these less-touted, and yes, even "forgotten" gems, reminding us of the extraordinary literary quality that The Twilight Zone always had, even when in the hands of its lesser lights."—
"In fine fashion, this book rounds out the line-up of Twilight Zone script books currently available. Revisit the lost art of television writing and enjoy Forgotten Gems from "The Twilight Zone."—Tony Albarella (writer)
Volume 1 (release date 4/30/05) includes Bill Idelson's "Long Distance Call", "The Trouble With Templeton" by E. Jack Neuman, Robert Presnell Jr.'s "The Chaser,""Dead Man's Shoes" by O'Cee Ritch, and John Furia's "I Dream of Genie." Includes the scripts for each, plus extensive commentary, and biographical information on the writers. Getting sick of reading the nearly 30-year-old reviews in "The Twilight Zone Companion"? Look no further! And you get the scripts as well.
Volume 2 (release date 2/28/06) includes "The Incredible World of Horace Ford" by Reginald Rose, "Number 12 Looks Just Like You" by John Tomerlin, "What's In the Box" & "The Encounter" by Martin Goldsmith, "Come Wander With Me" by Anthony Wilson, and the unproduced episode "Dreamflight" by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson.
This distinguished 2-volume set is published by Bear Manor Media. Read this Interview with Andrew (8/2004).
"Beyond Peyton Place
My Fifty Years on Stage, Screen, and Television"
by Ed Nelson

"I've Met All My Heroes from A to Z"
by Ron Masak

"Rod Taylor: An Aussie in Hollywood"
by Stephen Vagg

by Cloris Leachman and George Englund

There is only ONE Cloris. Cloris Leachman. In her career that spans nearly two-thirds of a century, she has performed in nearly every venue of entertainment - starting as a Rachmanoff-playing pianist in her teen years, as Miss Chicago in 1946, then moving to New York and starting in the Actor's Studio and in the theater with Katharine Hepburn. She then came west and proceeded into TV and films, where she has remained ever since and brought home an Oscar, 9 Emmys and 2 Golden Globes. She married producer/director George Englund and had four boys and a girl. She has portrayed every kind of woman imaginable - apron-wearing housewives, eccentric housewives, mothers, grandmothers, sisters. It was in 1971 that her biggest break came, with "The Last Picture Show" playing Ruth Popper, sickly wife of a homosexual basketball coach who finds solace in her relationship with 17 year old Timothy Bottoms. The whole world lined up to hire her when she won the Academy Award for the role. SImultaneously, she was making the world laugh with her performance as zany wood nymph Phyllis Lindstrom on "Mary Tyler Moore". In 1975, Phyllis spun off on her own for two more years. The mid 80s saw "The Facts of Life" where she replaced Charlotte Raye, while at the same time coping with the loss of her son Bryan. More recently - Dancing With the Stars and Malcolm in the Middle, and Jim Brooks' unique 2004 feature "Spanglish" as Tea Leoni's alcoholic, promiscuous mother. Cloris Leachman is one of America's artistic treasures. And finally, here is her autobiography.
No Retakes!
by Wright King and Sandra Grabman

Wright King is best known for his roles in "Planet of the Apes" and "Streetcar Named Desire", as well as numerous TV shows (including TZ "Shadow Play" and "Of Late I Think of Cliffordville" with his old pals Dennis Weaver and Albert Salmi, respectively.) Sandra Grabman - prolific author of the bios of Peggy Ann Garner, Albert Salmi, Pat Buttram and more, has joined forces with Wright and made this fine book about the days of live television. Very few people living today remember live television - which was often described as walking a tightrope. It didn't matter if actors blew their lines or props on the set, like the fake trees were knocked over or if stray noises of jets flying overhead were heard in the studio background. As soon as you saw it, it was being produced. No second chances. This fine book describes the amazing process.
Bill Idelson's Writing Class
by Bill Idelson

Bill Idelson (1920-2007), veteran television writer - reveals his secrets to writing a "good" and sellable script to the network "suits" of Hollywood and how to stay employed there as a successful writer. Idelson began his career as a radio actor ("Vic & Sade", etc.) and as a television actor. He even acted on "Twilight Zone", the show for which he wrote his very, very first script - "Long Distance Call" in 1960. He went on to write for "The Dick Van Dyke Show", "Love American Style", "Get Smart", and numerous other shows, as well as serving as producer of "The Bob Newhart Show". His daughter Ellen (1964-2003) was also a comedy writer. In this compelling book, he covers the essentials of TV script writing and discusses a few of his showbiz adventures and misventures, including one colorful one where he visited the home of surly Sammy Davis, Jr. In his retirement years, he held a writing class out of his home - and this book covers all of the topics that were covered in depth in the class.
Warm Up the Snake
by John Rich

John Rich was one of the greatest TV directors of our time. His greatest achievements came with "All in the Family" and "The Dick Van Dyke Show", which he directed for three seasons. He directed "A Kind of Stopwatch" and "A Most Unusual Camera" for TZ. This book describes his 48 year career as a director, starting from 1952 with "Our Miss Brooks" and "I Married Joan" in the early 50s, up through "MacGyver" and "Dear John". He also directed five feature films, two of which starred Elvis.
Directing Television
by James Sheldon

James Sheldon was one of TZ's more frequent directors - he directed six segments of TZ: "Long Distance Call", "Still Valley", "The Whole Truth", "It's a Good Life", "A Penny For Your Thoughts", and (his least favorite) "I Sing the Body Electric." To say a minimum, Jim was one of TV's most prolific directors. He directed almost every show on TV for four decades, and he's seen television born, grow up, and mature into the crazy medium it is today. In this wonderful book, he recaps the highlights of his career.
Trivia from The Twilight Zone
by Bill DeVoe

Bill DeVoe, one of our planet's true TZ experts, has written this fine compendium of trivia. A must-have book for any TZ fan - keep it on the coffee table next to your copy of the Zicree TZ Companion!
June Foray's Autobiography
by June Foray with Mark Evanier & Earl Kress

June Foray, voicethrower extraordinaire, did the voices of Talky Tina in TZ's "Living Doll" (she also looped Mary Badham in "The Bewitchin' Pool" for odd reasons). She has been behind the camera, and at the microphone, for over 65 years. Her signature role has always been Rocky the Flying Squirrel. "June Foray is not the female Mel Blanc. Mel Blanc is the male June Foray."
James Best Autobiography
by James Best
James Best has said that his role as Rosco P. Coltrane set him free financially, but there are a few other roles that he really cherished, and how fortunate he was to work three times on "The Twilight Zone" in starring or co-starring roles. Finally, Jimmie's autobiography is here!
"As Timeless as Infinity" - Rod Serling's "Twilight Zone" Scripts
Volumes 1-6
edited by Tony Albarella

Ever since the release of "The Twilight Zone Companion" by Marc Scott Zicree nearly 25 years ago, followers of THE TWILIGHT ZONE and Rod Serling have awaited the possible release of a second opinion, if you will. Zicree's comprehensive volume covers the series in depth, and everyone who calls themself a fan of THE TWILIGHT ZONE has a copy of this book. But for all its strengths, "The Companion" has been criticized for its brevity and lack of thorough coverage of many episodes, possibly due to publisher requests that the book serve as a casual episode guide.
Other attempts have been made in recent years to expand upon what "The Companion" did. Most recently and notoriously, the overpriced volume by Presnell and McGee (1998) and several other books on the series that have included episode guides with commentary. 2001 and 2002 marked the release of Richard Matheson's TWILIGHT ZONE SCRIPTS, and in 2003 Earl Hamner's eight scripts were released. The scripts of Charles Beaumont (edited by Roger Anker, Gauntlet Press 2004), the three TWILIGHT ZONE scripts written by Jerry Sohl (edited by Chris Conlon, Bear Manor Media 2004), plus a collection of ten scripts written by non-mainstream writers hired by Cayuga Productions to write TZ scripts, (edited by Andrew Ramage, Bear Manor Media 2005). The eight ZONE scripts and stories written by George Clayton Johnson were released a number of years ago, in 1976.
Tony Albarella undertook the project of introducing all ninety-two scripts written by Rod Serling. Having gotten a warm-up on the art of commentary writing as editor of Hamner's TWILIGHT ZONE SCRIPTS (Cumberland House, 2003), Albarella's commentaries here are excellent. Interview with Tony.
Volumes of approximately 10 scripts are scheduled for release over the next several years (at a rate of about two books per year). Tony worked with Carol Serling to make this project a reality. Gauntlet Press is producing the 8 1/2 x 11" oversized volumes. Although not cast as an episode guide, this looks to be the finest analysis of TWILIGHT ZONE episodes to date. After audiences have taken Zicree's words as 'the last words on TWILIGHT ZONE' for many years, Tony Albarella gives a particularly insightful look at each episode. He has taken the time to interview many actors who appeared in/starred in each segment. His analysis of the episode "The Big Tall Wish" (the only TWILIGHT ZONE episode to star black actors) is particularly impressive; this episode is largely downgraded in fan circles for its problematic and flawed plotline, but here receives a thorough explanation for why it succeeds.
Included in each volume are the original, unedited, typewritten copies of Serling's scripts, sometimes with handwritten annotation. Bonus items include a photo gallery with production and publicity stills, and short but touching tributes to Serling and the series by actors. Also included are essay appreciations by well-known TV and sci-fi writers.
Volume 1, approx. 500 pages, oversized and hardbound, with a limited press run of 750 copies, is scheduled for release in June 2004. Retails for a modest $60 plus shipping, if ordered from Gauntlet Press. Connoisseurs who collect the 'lettered' editions get what they want, too. These are modestly priced at $250, and are signed by Albarella and other distinguished people associated with the zone.
After years of being bottled up and not readily available, this series of script books surely looks to be one of the finest of TV script collections available.
The “Twilight Zone” Scripts of Charles Beaumont
edited by Roger Anker

Gauntlet Press will be publishing in two volumes, "The Twilight Zone Scripts of Charles Beaumont". Beaumont, who wrote 18 episodes of the Twilight Zone, which included many of the finest of the series ("The Howling Man", "Long Live Walter Jameson", "Perchance to Dream", "In His Image", and more) is considered one of the major writers for the series, next to Richard Matheson. The volumes will be edited by Roger Anker, who had also edited "Charles Beaumont: Collected Stories", which won the 1989 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in a Fiction Collection. The volumes will contain all of Beaumont's published scripts, plus several that were unproduced. We may include several collaborations, and there will be at least one script that has numerous versions. This will be a definitive book not only on Beaumont's scripts, but also on his life, and his work with other authors. For more information, see Gauntlet Press.
The "Twilight Zone" Scripts of Jerry Sohl
edited by Christopher Conlon

Bear Manor Media, publishers of Filet of Sohl: The Classic Scripts and Stories of Jerry Sohl, are proud to announce the follow-up to that volume: The Twilight Zone Scripts of Jerry Sohl, edited by Christopher Conlon with a Foreword by George Clayton Johnson. This book, due in the first half of 2004, will collect Sohl's three Twilight Zone scripts, all of which were originally produced under Charles Beaumont's byline. "It's a strange story," editor Conlon says. "Sohl was a significant contributor to The Twilight Zone in its last two seasons, but his name is virtually unknown to fans because his name never actually appeared in the credits." Sohl wrote the episodes, Conlon explains, as a favor to his ailing friend Beaumont, who was a major (credited) contributor to the series. "When Beaumont became too ill to write, he handed the scripting chores for three episodes over to Jerry," says Conlon. "The first was the fine hour-long episode, "The New Exhibit," featuring Martin Balsam and a lot of very threatening wax dummies. Another was "Queen of the Nile," a story about immortality. Finally there was 'Living Doll,' a universally-beloved top-ten classic starring Telly Savalas as an evil stepfather under siege by his stepdaughter's doll, Talky Tina. It's one of the best-remembered of all episodes of the show." The Twilight Zone Scripts of Jerry Sohl will mark the first time these scripts have appeared under their correct byline--and the first time two of them, "The New Exhibit" and "Queen of the Nile," have never been published anywhere. In addition to its regular trade paperback, Bear Manor Media plans a limited edition with a bookplate signed by Conlon and original Twilight Zone writer Johnson. For more information, go to
by June Foray

For more information about this fascinating memoir by the legendary voiceover artist June Foray, who did the voice of Talky Tina in "Living Doll", go to BearManor
The Life and
Career of Agnes Moorehead
by Charles Tranberg

For more information about this fascinating memoir by the legendary actress who of course starred in the TZ episode "The Invaders," go to BearManor
The Seesaw Girl and Me
by Dick York

Dick York (1928-1992) was one of Hollywood's greatest TV talents. He wrote this most unusual autobiography over a period of years in the 1980s, by simply tape recording his thoughts and ideas. Claudia Kuehl, a journalist, transferred the words of Dick into this wonderful book. Learn about Dick's unjustly brief acting career and his acceptance of 'what goes up in life must always come down, even if it comes down a little too soon.' Those who know Dick as the high-strung Darrin Stephens will see his true self - a fine human being who helped make the world a better place.
My Life in Outer Space
by Gloria Pall

For more information about this fascinating book by Gloria Pall, go to
"Spotlights and Shadows: The Albert Salmi Story"
by Sandra Grabman

Most ardent fans of The Twilight Zone know of Albert Salmi's three roles in the episodes "Execution", "A Quality of Mercy", and "Of Late I Think of Cliffordville". He also appeared in numerous TV episodes and a number of movies. His life came to a tragic end, but not before he achieved a certain level of stardom. A compelling biography by Sandra Grabman was released in March 2004. Salmi was one of a whole legion of accomplished character actors, and at long last a book is being published that details the life of one of these unsung heroes. It is a GREAT book, and actually, much of it was written by Salmi himself (his unfinished, published memoirs form the comprise the majority of the book.) For more information, visit Albert (or
by David Macklin

The actor David Macklin, who appeared as the teenaged 'Bud' in the episode "Ring-a-Ding Girl" with Maggie MacNamara, has written this superb book about acting. You can order it through his website at
Pulling Faces, Making Noises: A Life on Stage, Screen & Radio
by Barry Morse

Barry Morse, whose career highlights include The Fugitive and Space 1999, has a newly-released bio. Most of you know that Barry also starred in the Old-World style Twilight Zone episode "A Piano in the House" with Joan Hackett which was directed by his old friend, the late David Greene. Written by Barry Morse, with Anthony Wynn and Bob Wood, it promises to be an exceptional volume that covers Morse's colorful life and career in film, TV, and theater. Also just released is a book called "Merely Players: The Scripts" compiled by the same authors. This volume has the scripts from Barry's one-man show called "Merely Players", which he has performed on the stage since 1959. For more information, visit his website at Barry
by Stewart T. Stanyard

I still don't know much about this particular book, other than the fact that it has a length of 300 pages and that the author did some interviews with a number of actors and contains tributes to TZ and Rod done by various people. It might be worth a read, so feel free to check it out and give us your feedback. The retail price is $20-something but of late it appears to be available used for around $12.**
**Note: We at Twilight Zone Museum take no responsibility for anything printed about the "Twilight Zone" Conventions held in Los Angeles or elsewhere (which includes photos, quotes/comments, or other general information.) Additionally, the 2002 and 2004 Stars of the Zone Conventions were productions by Andrew Ramage and Bill DeVoe. Please disregard anything you might read that might suggest otherwise. ***Addendum, August 2012 - I still have not read this book! The number of reviews of it on Amazon reached a peak of about 26 reviews in 2010-2011. It appears that this book had its heyday and is not being widely distributed anymore but I don't know this for sure.
by Martin Grams

Contains everything you could ever hope to know about every episode...including production cost of each, and even the names of the particular musical cues heard at critical points in the episodes - like when Shatner opens the window of the airplane to reveal the gremlin! Like Marc Zicree, the author had access to material belonging to Rod Serling and here it all is, in book form. Not recommended for casual TZ fans...for diehards only, it's a must!
"The Truth Is Out There: Christian Faith and the
Classics of TV Science Fiction
by Thomas Bertonneau and Kim Paffenroth

For more information on this title, please go to Don't read the review by The reviewer didn't understand the book.
by Douglas Brode (with intro by Carol Serling)

This book is one man's opinion of most, but not all, of the episodes of the original series. There is really nothing in it that can't be found elsewhere...or things that might come up in a casual conversation between TZ fans. It is larded with typographical errors and is not a bonafide 50th Anniversary tribute to the series or to Serling. If you want to check out this book, you can do so. Used copies run at about $10 online.