August 24 and 25, 2002
The Beverly Garland Holiday Inn
Hollywood, California
Floor Photos
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From right: Martin Milner, Bill Erwin, Arlene Martel, and Jean Carson (with son Tracy)

Dwight Deskins (with back to camera) gets photos signed by Bill Erwin. Erwin made his first film
in 1942 and was good friends with Gig Young (the late star of “Walking Distance”),
with whom he performed at the Pasadena Playhouse. Next door on left,
Arlene Martel chats with people about her roles on “Twilight Zone” and as T’Pring on “Star Trek.”

Fans put up with the temperature in the ballroom, which exceeded 100 degrees!

The legendary Cliff Robertson, with secretary Evelyn Crystal, was a favorite of the collectors

The great Jonathan Harris of “Lost In Space” fame, shared recollections of filming his “Twilight Zone”episodes, "The Silence" (with Franchot Tone) and “Twenty Two” (with Barbara Nichols and Arlene Martel).
Seated next to him on right is Tom Lowell of “The Changing of the Guard.”

Stewart Stanyard’s Twilight Zone Archives exhibit

Twilight Zone Archives display case (which Stewart and Bill took great pains assembling and disassembling
so Stewart could transport it by car!)

Carl Amari and Roger Wolski's "Twilight Zone" Radio Dramas, written by Dennis Etchison -

This table of items got raffled off on Sunday.

Just one of Bill's many artistic creations from Facsimilie Unlimited!

Marc Scott Zicree (right) was on hand to sell his bestselling book.

“Jimmie” and Dorothy Best got a lot of customers … fans of “The Dukes of Hazzard” and “Twilight Zone.”
The Bests traveled from Florida for our Show.
Photography by Kathy Hutchins
The following stars were scheduled to attend but unable to: Jonathan Winters, Natalie Trundy, John Lasell, Patricia Smith, Nancy Malone, Don Durant, Lois Nettleton, Joyce Van Patten, Brooke Hayward, George Murdock, Penny Singleton.