August 24 and 25, 2002
The Beverly Garland Holiday Inn
Hollywood, California
Floor Photos
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Hotel owner Beverly Garland has had one of the most diverse TV and film careers of
any actor in Hollywood. An amazing 30-minute documentary on her career,
“Beverly Garland’s First Fifty Years In Showbiz,” plays on Channel 16 on the TV sets in each room of the hotel.

Barry Morse, best known as Lt. Gerard on “The Fugitive” and TZ episode “A Piano In the House,” with his biographers Bob Wood and Tony Wynn (far right)

Tom Lowell of “The Changing of the Guard” now teaches acting and drama.

Cliff’s pens continue to go nonstop...

... and so do Mickey’s and Jan’s!!

Frank Aletter and Lloyd Bochner, also in the midst of heavy traffic.

Although uncredited, master voicethrower Joseph Ruskin also
did the voices of the Kanamits in “To Serve Man.”

Jonathan “Dr. Smith” Harris and admirers.

Peter Mark and Helen Richman wowed collectors with their vast display
of photos from his career! Most people remember Peter Mark for his performances
on “Three’s Company” as Reverend Snow.

Andy Polak, member of the Rod Serling Memorial Foundation, was one of
many who travelled from the East Coast to attend the show.

Jean Carson sold photos from her four most memorable television appearances: “Twilight Zone,” plus three “Andy Griffith Show” episodes as Daphne the
Mount Pilot Fun Girl and Naomi, the Convict at Large

Tony Albarella, Chris Conlon, Andy Polak, and Steve Schlich
with George Clayton Johnson (far left, co-author of “Ocean’s Eleven” and “Logan's Run”)
at complimentary lunch barbecue provided by the Hotel.
Photography by Steve Schlich
The following stars were scheduled to attend but unable to: Jonathan Winters, Natalie Trundy, John Lasell, Patricia Smith, Nancy Malone, Don Durant, Lois Nettleton, Joyce Van Patten, Brooke Hayward, George Murdock, Penny Singleton.