Andrew Szym and Bill DeVoe Presented**
August 24 and 25, 2002
The Beverly Garland Holiday Inn
Hollywood, California

Special Thanks
Stewart Stanyard
Dwight Deskins
Tony Albarella
Joji Oliveros
Cathleen Smith
Ray and Sharon Courts
Scott Kolden
Gary Shusett
Christopher Conlon
Steve Charendoff, Rittenhouse Archives Inc.
Kathy Hutchins, Hutchins Photo Agency
Gelson's Market of Los Angeles
City of Los Angeles Police Department (security)
Canyon News
The Rod Serling Memorial Foundation
The Twilight Zone Archives
Hollywood Collectors Show, Inc.
The Beverly Garland Holiday Inn
Chris Roe, CR Management Inc.
Nancy McCook, Arlene Thornton and Assoc.
Richard Sindell, Waters & Nicolosi Inc.
Scott and Jackie Stander, Scott Stander & Assoc.
Fred Westbrook, Kazarian, Spencer & Assoc.
Kevin Pawley, office of Mickey Rooney
Evelyn Crystal, office of Cliff Robertson
Terry Martin, The Time Machine
Gloria Pall, Showgirl Press
Tony Wynn, Star Party Productions
Jim Harty
Amy Rydell
Marta & Steve Dawes
and to Jeff Zentner for hooking Andrew on autograph collecting